Saturday, November 29, 2008

Im so bored~!!!

1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.

2. People who get tagged need to write a post of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.

3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.

4. No tags back!!

1. I have a habit of skipping breakfast.

2. This is pretty weird.... but, Brunei.. is really a small country.... xD because, I can really pick up fast information ^^... [its okay if you dont understand what i mean ^^]

3. Last time, in my family, i don't like being the last person to sleep... it makes me feel.... scared? haha

4. I don't like being hated. :D

5. I'm kinda a slow person.... as in for thinking *at times* ^.^''

6. I like my big innocent eyes. heheh i just like them ^^

7. I have an obsession with only Korean stuff. I don't really listen to English songs [unless they're on radio] or Chinese songs [maybe sometimes], EVERYTHING IN MY COMPUTER IS ABOUT KOREAN... unless they're not mine... heheh ^^

8. I've always wanted to have a korean friend... real bad =]

9. I do not like my school. =( hahaha in fact, i do not like studying XD AHAHAZ.

10. I have panda eyes. No matter how much i sleep, these two dark circle rings never poofs*!

11. i can cook my own lunch and dinner~ ^^... hehehe

12. I give people tons of advices, but i never listen to my own advice. hmmm :/

13. I'm scared of every itty bitty thing~ ahhahaz

14. I admire cute couple keychains really! hhehe.. Its just a collection ^^... xD

15. HAHA okayy, all of my closest friends know that im very curious! ^^ really really really curious, ... really! hahahz every single thing i already wanna know, and if you left me out on conversations, i will feel very sad! >=(! hehe...

okayy tata~

I tage the other four, if you're online ^^ xD

♡Maknae Eru.


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